We distribute our products mainly through our sales representatives who are active throughout Germany. Of course, if all details are known, you can also send your order directly to our headquarters.
Through regular training, we ensure that our employees, both in the office and in the field, are familiar with all products and developments. This enables us to provide you with comprehensive advice, competent support in solving your problems, and the best possible quotations.
We also offer you help with the installation of our printing systems as well as on-site instruction in software and hardware by our field staff. They will also be happy to demonstrate our printing systems or consumables to you in order to help you select the most suitable product with the best price/performance ratio.
With our concept of personal consultation on site, we create the basis for a long-term and trusting cooperation. As a competent, flexible and cost-effective partner with a comprehensive range of products, we will be happy to assist you in overcoming your problems at any time.
We grow with our challenges! Challenge us!
Mr. Georg Ressle
Dübendorfer Straße 6
86956 Schongau
Tel.: 0 88 61 / 9 04 39
Fax: 0 88 61 / 9 02 42
Mobile: 01 71 / 3 80 23 37
responsible for postal code areas:
73000 - 73599 73670 - 73999
78150 - 78499 79700 - 84999
85000 - 89999
93000 - 94999
Mr. Harald Teschner
Bgm.-Angerer-Straße 2
95336 Mainleus
Tel.: 0 92 29 / 97 53 90
Fax: 0 92 29 / 97 53 91
Mobile: 01 60 / 94 51 34 41
New person responsible for postal code areas:
90000 - 92999 95000 - 99799
99850 - 99999
Mr. Veikko Förster
Bischofsheimer Straße 45
65428 Rüsselsheim
Tel.: 0 61 42 / 6 03 45 11
Fax: 0 61 42 / 6 03 45 12
Mobile: 01 71 / 6 38 61 42
responsible for postal code areas:
34000 - 34329 34440 - 36999
37200 - 37359 40000 - 43999
50000 - 54999 55300 - 58999
60000 - 63699 63940 - 63999
65000 - 65399 65480 - 65999
99800 - 99849
Mr. Detlef Hansel
Steinbuckstrasse 17
79312 Wasser Breisgau
Tel.: 0 76 41 / 9 36 85 22
Fax: 0 76 41 / 9 36 85 23
Mobile: 01 72 / 7 20 39 24
responsible for postal code areas:
55000 - 55299 63700 - 63939
64000 - 64999 65400 - 65479
66000 - 72999 73600 - 73669
74000 - 78149 78500 - 79699
Herr Wilfried Barth
At the giant chair 13
29308 Winsen
Tel.: 0 51 43 / 6 66 01 96
Fax: 0 51 43 / 6 66 02 07
Mobile: 01 71 / 8 71 88 80
responsible for postal code areas:
17000 - 31999 38000 - 38599
Herr Mario Pentrop
Gorse heather 6
32457 Porta Westfalica
Tel.: 0 57 06 / 94 12 40
Fax: 0 57 06 / 94 12 41
Mobile: 01 71 / 4 53 91 68
responsible for postal code areas:
32000 - 33999 34330 - 34439
37000 - 37199 37360 - 37999
44000 - 49999 59000 - 59999
Herr Jörg Rudolph
Bollensdorf 13
15936 Ihlow
Tel.: 03 54 51 / 94 94 16
Fax: 03 54 51 / 94 94 23
Mobile: 01 51 / 16 67 85 43
responsible for postal code areas:
01000 - 16999 38600 - 39999
Do you have any questions about our products?
Then contact us!
We're here to help.
ETISYS Etikettierlösungen GmbH
Heidenbergle 7
87672 Roßhaupten
Tel. 49 (0) 8367 913 99 0
Fax 49 (0) 8367 913 99 90
All information marked with * must be completed in the interest of a meaningful processing of your request. Thank you for your understanding!
Service & Support
Any questions?
Give us a call:
Tel. 49 (0)8367 913 990
Mon. - Thu. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m
Fri. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m
ETISYS Etikettierlösungen GmbH • Heidenbergle 7 • D-87672 Roßhaupten • Tel: +49 (0) 83 67 / 9 13 99 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 83 67 / 9 13 99 - 90 • Mail: info@etisys.de • Web: https://www.etisys.eu